首页 > 其他类型 > 修正治理惩治APP金融信贷违规 > 第3章 利用技术手般操控利率使借款人陷入困境

第3章 利用技术手般操控利率使借款人陷入困境(第4/13 页)

最新其他类型小说: 托尼小队勇战颠疯穿成小御医四合院,从被易中海收养开始诡热线,我的诡娃娃不可能那么凶悔婚后,美女总裁跪求复合小海蛇火火冒险记韭菜的挣扎我在A股恋综?我手拿把掐!大师姐重开上大号,杀穿了修仙界军婚蜜恋之萌宝空间南唐荣光:我李煜不止是词帝让你参加规则怪谈咋都是熟诡异古武天才少女穿成神女无双快穿:元初的穿越之旅妾室的悠闲生活影迹追凶捡到一岁小福宝,流放生活开挂了叶罗丽:她就是这么强大重生后我把殉情渣夫宠成掌心宝!被困梦中游异界后我摆烂了

The detective's investigation led him to a remote office building where the operation of E-ZLoan was rooted. It was in this office that Zhang discovered a secret team of app developers and loan officers, all working in sync to exploit unsuspecting users. The team had gone to great lengths to hide their true identities, using intricate encryption techniques to conceal the origin of the loans.

With the evidence gathered, Detective Zhang contacted the local financial regulatory agency, providing them with the detailed information necessary to shut down E-ZLoan's operations. The agency swiftly launched an investigation of their own, freezing the app's assets and holding its executives accountable for their illegal activities.

As news of the investigation spread, other loan apps in the city became increasingly cautious, ensuring they operated within the boundaries of the law. Detective Zhang's actions had set a precedent that sent a strong message to the





推荐阅读: 多款违规金融app回应整改进展 金融整改违规信贷 金融领域违法违规乱象零容忍 整顿金融app乱象 整治银行不良贷款政策 如何严惩金融信贷领域犯罪 整治金融贷款中介利好银行

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